Wilesco Roller and Living Van

Steam Engines but not Victoria

Over the last year through all the lockdowns we haven’t been able to take Victoria out so we have managed to collect a few steam engines, we already had a few Mamods but we now have some Wilescos too, along with a living van and trailer.

At the start of lockdown last year we decided to get out the Mamods and have a steam up. Some of the Mamods are old and have had a lot of playing with, so not in the best steaming condition. Jack decided he would treat himself to a new Wilesco; he had his birthday in February and decided to spend some of his money on one. He went for the Wilesco roller and was very pleased with it. This was then followed by a living van and trailer, both came flat packed and you have to build them and paint then yourself, which he enjoyed doing. 

Seren, Jacks sibling, had decided he would also buy a Wilesco and he went for the crane engine. Again, it’s had lots of use and is a nice engine, we even steamed up one Thursday nights to clap for the NHS and to blow the whistles.

A few weeks later Jack’s girlfriend, Alice, decided she would like one as well and she went for the traction engine, so as you can see over the last year Wilesco has done quite well out of us.

If you have children interested in steam and want a model, this is a great way to start. Both myself and Lloyd had Mamods as children and spent many happy hours with our brothers playing with them. They aren’t cheap but they are excellent for children to learn a little about how steam works, whether it be a Mamod or Wilesco, I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.

Here are a few pictures of some of the steam ups we have done.

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